

You can download two different types of the Lernstick system:

Lernstick EXAM is a special version of the Lernstick, where access to Ethernet, WLAN, Bluetooth and local storage media (internal hard disk, other USB sticks) is initially prevented by default. However, certain network accesses (e.g. network printers or websites) can be allowed for the exam via a whitelist. Furthermore, the selection of software in the exam environment is reduced to exam-relevant software.

For information on how to check these files after downloading and how to install the Lernstick, please refer to the Lernstick online manual

You can download further files (checksums, DVD labels, source codes, older versions, ...) from the Lernstick directory at any time.


The default user is called "user" and the password is empty (just press Enter).

The Lernstick system comes with the German-Swiss basic font preinstalled, which is kindly provided by the German-Swiss Conference of Directors of Education (D-EDK). The basic font is protected by copyright. More information can be found in the terms of use.