Research, Evaluations, and Data Analyses
Factsheet Sustainability and Digitalisation

The Digital Sustainability Research Unit at the University of Bern has produced a fact sheet on sustainability and digitization on behalf of the ICT Committee of the Office for Secondary Education and Vocational Training. In addition to impressive figures on the energy requirements for the production of IT devices and their use, the effects of video consumption and the dependence on image quality are highlighted in particular. By means of corresponding questions within the framework of a self-check, personal behavior patterns can be reflected upon. The leaflet should be used as a basis for group work (especially under the framework conditions of distance learning) and take up the current concerns of the climate strike and ensure that the learners deal with their consumption behavior in depth.
Open Source Study 2018

On behalf of swissICT and CH Open, the Digital Sustainability Research Center has been responsible for the Open Source Study Switzerland since 2015. In addition to the online survey on areas of use, reasons and obstacles in the use of open source software, the study includes 26 contributions from open source practitioners. LimeSurvey was used to conduct the online survey. An editorial system was developed to collect the external text contributions. The study is available as a brochure, PDF or at the following website with interactive visualizations:
Linked Data on Publication of Metadata

The study shows the concept of Linked Data, its possible applications and limitations for the publication of meteorological data. It was jointly written by the Federal Archives, MeteoSwiss, queo, zazuko, SBB, HES-SO Valais-Wallis and the Digital Sustainability Research Center. As part of the study, the Digital Sustainability Research Center conducted a show case to demonstrate how much energy could be saved in heating the SBB scales by using weather data from MeteoSwiss.
Data analysis "Züri wie neu"

All users who have submitted a report about a defective infrastructure element since the launch of the "Züri wie neu" application in 2013 were invited by the Digital Sustainability Research Center in summer 2016 to share their experiences and opinions about "Züri wie neu". The online survey conducted on the platform contributes to various studies of the Digital Sustainability Research Center.
Data Inventory Federal Administration

With its Open Government Data Strategy Switzerland 2014 - 2018, the Federal Council aims to facilitate access to government data. One of the measures from the strategy is the inventory of the federal government's data holdings. The data inventory is to serve as a basis for the systematic publication of data as Open Government Data. The Digital Sustainability Research Center designed and accompanied the multilingual survey for the inventory of the data holdings of all administrative units.
Study for Roche Diagnostics

For Roche Diagnostics, the Digital Sustainability Research Unit conducted a qualitative study in the area of inner source software development, resulting in the following conference paper: